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DevOps Projects

Project ideas to take you from beginner to advanced in DevOps

Roadmap Projects
beginnerCLIServer Performance StatsWrite a script to analyse basic server performance stats. beginnerCLILog Archive ToolBuild a tool to archive logs from the CLI with the date and time. beginnerCLINginx Log AnalyserWrite a simple tool to analyze logs from the command line. beginnerCI / CDGitHub Pages DeploymentWrite a simple GitHub Actions workflow to deploy a static website to GitHub Pages. beginnerSSHSSH Remote Server SetupSetup a basic remote linux server and configure it to allow SSH. beginnerNginxStatic Site ServerSetup a basic linux server and configure it to serve a static site. beginnerDNSBasic DNS SetupPurchase a custom domain and set up basic DNS records. beginnerMonitoringSimple MonitoringSet up a basic monitoring dashboard using Netdata. beginnerSystemdDummy Systemd ServiceCreate a long-running systemd service that logs to a file. beginnerDockerBasic DockerfileBuild a basic Dockerfile to create a Docker image. beginnerAWSEC2 InstanceCreate an EC2 instance on AWS and connect to it using SSH. intermediateAnsibleConfiguration ManagementWrite an Ansible playbook to configure a Linux server. intermediateTerraformIaC on DigitalOceanWrite Terraform code to create a Droplet on DigitalOcean intermediateCI/CDNode.js Service DeploymentUse GitHub Actions to Deploy a Node.js Service to a remote server intermediateDockerDockerized ServiceUse GitHub Actions to Deploy a Dockerized Node.js Service intermediateDocker ComposeMulti-Container ApplicationUse Docker Compose to run a multi-container application intermediateBackupsAutomated DB BackupsSetup a scheduled workflow to backup a Database every 12 hours intermediateNetworkingBastion HostSetup a bastion host for managing access to private infrastructure. intermediateSecurityFile Integrity CheckerVerify the integrity of application log files to detect tampering. advancedDevOpsBlue-Green DeploymentSetup a blue-green deployment strategy for your application. advancedMonitoringPrometheus and GrafanaSetup monitoring using Prometheus and visualize metrics in Grafana. advancedDockerMulti-Service ApplicationSetup a multi-service optimized docker implementation advancedDevOpsService DiscoverySetup service discovery with dummy services and Consul

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